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Saturday, October 11, 2008


To: Mary Evans

Dear Sir or Madam:

I, the undersigned, hereby confirm with full personal and legal responsibility, that I have requested this information of my own free will and accord, and that I am not seeking investment opportunities.

I hereby affirm that the information that I am requesting is about a private gifting invite.

I hereby confirm that neither you nor anyone on your behalf or anyone else associated with “Cash Gifting System” has solicited me in any way. All parties state as truth that they are not employees or officials in or of any agency, and are not a member of the media whose purpose is to collect information for defamation or prosecution

Any documents or information received by me will not be construed as solicitation in any way whatsoever. I further affirm that I have been told that the nature of the “Gifts” is that of charity and I affirm that my involvement with gifting is solely a voluntary act of my own accord. I also understand that should I get involved with gifting that my gift will be just that, a gift and it is nothing to which I may lay claim in the future.

Sincerely Yours,

__________________________________ _____________________

Signature Date

__________________________________ _____________________

Print Name Your PIN # 4455

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